The vision of Oneway Broadcasting Network (OBN) and Oneway TV was given to Femi and Yemi Agboola as a God-inspired idea in June 2022. They have both been passionate lovers of Jesus for decades and have been praying for a worldwide spread of the end-time revival. Although starting a gospel broadcasting network was not on their minds at that time, within a few months, by trusting in the leading of the Holy Spirit, Oneway Broadcasting Network was born, and Oneway TV and Oneway Radio came shortly afterward.

Oneway Broadcasting Network/ Oneway TV is a faith-based network dedicated to spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom of God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – all around the globe, through technology. This continuous broadcasting of the gospel has been made possible by leveraging the advantages of on-demand technology,

Following our Motto: Proclaiming the Christ (Acts 8:5), we believe in harnessing the impact of technology to advance the gospel of the Kingdom of our God. Oneway TV is created as a platform where other ministers of the gospel can share God’s word with people across the globe. Hence, Oneway TV features programs from seasoned men and women of God in addition to an array of programs from Femi and Yemi ministries, music, monthly live broadcasting of Living Spring Prayer Network (LSPN) and other programs.

Oneway Broadcasting Network is a non-profit organization made possible by Femi and Yemi Ministries and our generous partners. Our other ministries include Oneway TV, Oneway Radio, Living Spring Prayer Network, Wisdom Kids Bible Club, Femi and Yemi Music. etc

The journey has been purely by faith and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

We are eternally grateful for what the Lord has done, what He is doing, and for the greater things that are yet to come. Hallelujah!! May His name be forever praised!

Femi and Yemi Agboola